Author: kwcameron
Overlap in computer modeling holds key to next-generation processing, Virginia Tech researchers find
Exascale computing — the ability to perform calculations at 1 billion billion per second — is what researchers are striving to push processors to do in the next…
Welcome Fall 2018 CS@VT Students! Join the VarSys Team!!!
No need for a fun filter on this one. One of our Ph.D. candidates, Thomas Lux, enjoys the #discgolf course outside our departmental offices at the VT Corporate Research Center. “I get to study at a world-class university in my field in a beautiful place,” says Lux. #whyvt #whycs #vtspaces
Bo Li earns Best Paper Award at HPDC 2017!
Congratulations to the Varsys Lab team and Bo Li, Ph.D. candidate and lead author, on receiving The Best Paper award at HPDC 2017 featuring research about using the compute-overlap-stall model!