ICYMI: R fellow @VTEngineering faculty member Marc Edwards talked w/ @Trevornoah about the @flintwaterstudy & the science of social justice. twitter.com/vtnews/status/…
@VOANews covers the research done by R #cybersecurity specialist on the #VarSys project, @yaogroup1. ow.ly/fRbk30ayzu6
@VOANews covers the research done by R #cybersecurity specialist on the #VarSys project, @yaogroup1. ow.ly/fRbk30ayzu6
@mchalfant16 reports on ? #VT researchers found those Android apps R doing on UR phone, even when UR not using them. ow.ly/zH5U30awNvm
@mchalfant16 reports on ? #VT researchers found those Android apps R doing on UR phone, even when UR not using them. ow.ly/zH5U30awNvm
@Teknautas sobre las investigaciones de #cyberseguridad hechan por @ffmagicbean & Daphne Yao con Android apps. ow.ly/NWRM30avVR6
@Teknautas sobre las investigaciones de #cyberseguridad hechan por @ffmagicbean & Daphne Yao con Android apps. ow.ly/NWRM30avVR6
@TheSun covers a #cybersecurity study done by Assoc. Prof. Daphne Yao & @ffmagicbean that shows ur phone is sneaky. ow.ly/NGX130avQOP
@TheSun covers a #cybersecurity study done by Assoc. Prof. Daphne Yao & @ffmagicbean that shows ur phone is sneaky. ow.ly/NGX130avQOP
@newscientist’s @timothyrevell spoke 2 #cybersecurity ninjas Daphne Yao & @ffmagicbean abt android app collusion. ow.ly/LcGw30avJXl
@newscientist‘s @timothyrevell spoke 2 #cybersecurity ninjas Daphne Yao & @ffmagicbean abt android app collusion. ow.ly/LcGw30avJXl
Provost Thanassis Rikakis introduces new engineering dean Julia Ross to alumni at the Academy of Engineering @juliemyersross @VT_alumnipic.twitter.com/2cBttqOSaN
Provost Thanassis Rikakis introduces new engineering dean Julia Ross to alumni at the Academy of Engineering @juliemyersross @VT_alumni pic.twitter.com/2cBttqOSaN
Provost Thanassis Rikakis introduces new engineering dean Julia Ross to alumni at the Academy of Engineering @juliemyersross @VT_alumni pic.twitter.com/2cBttqOSaN
Provost Thanassis Rikakis introduces new engineering dean Julia Ross to alumni at the Academy of Engineering @juliemyersross @VT_alumni pic.twitter.com/2cBttqOSaN
Sad news from CS today about one of our first-year Ph.D. students. https://twitter.com/VTEngineering/status/844933024902991877 …
Sad news from CS today about one of our first-year Ph.D. students. https://twitter.com/VTEngineering/status/844933024902991877 …
Sad news from CS today about one of our first-year Ph.D. students. twitter.com/VTEngineering/…
Sad news from CS today about one of our first-year Ph.D. students. twitter.com/VTEngineering/…